COVID-19 Protocols

Dear Delegates,

As we near the start of NUCHR's 19th annual conference on human rights, Human Rights X Death, I want to take the time to reiterate our COVID-19 protocols that will be in place through the duration of the conference.

As you know, NUCHR has prepared two cohorts of in-person and online delegates. Out of an abundance of caution, only students who attend school or reside in the Chicagoland area will be able to attend in person. All other delegates will join virtually. We hope that by restricting travel, we will prevent any COVID-19 cases and ensure a safe environment for all students, staff, and speakers.

In-person delegates will also need to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test 48 hours prior to the start of the conference and comply with Northwestern University's guidelines related to COVID-19 outlined on the COVID-19 site. I implore all delegates read the entirety of the COVID-19 site to ensure that there are no surprises when arriving on campus.

Most importantly, all attendees (delegates, staff, or speakers), must remain masked unless actively eating or drinking. We will have a limited amount of on-demand COVID-19 self-administered tests for those who would like to be tested upon arrival to Evanston, IL. We invite attendees to consider receiving a COVID-19 booster in preparation for the conference.

With regret, NUCHR has made the decision to postpone the conference, which will take place in a hybrid format during the weekend of March 4-6, 2022. NUCHR will continue to closely monitor city, state, and national COVID-19 guidelines and update delegates as needed. In the event that COVID-19 transmission rates continue to prevent large gatherings in March, the conference will move to an entirely virtual platform during the weekend of March 4-6, 2022. All event times will remain the same.

We look forward to meeting you all soon. But, until then, stay safe and healthy.